Smart Business$aver Account
Pay a beneficiary in the currency of your choice by specifying payment currency in their account, allowing for cross currency payments. Multi-bank reporting with visible counter-party bank accounts. Introduction of a new collection product suite including virtual accounts. With smartBUSINESS, your money and data has never been more secure. Just open AppStore or Play Store and search for “businessONLINE – Take Control”, you will see the app with Emirates Islamic Bank logo. The platform holds multiple admins with interchangeable roles, allowing continuous access without the need to sign in with a new ID every time. Streamline and simplify your business accounts and activities with businessONLINE today. They'll arrange to visit your premises and recommend the right security solution based on your property and business. Smart V.M.S. The VMS is designed to automate the process of visitor's access, makes it faster, easier... Smart HR Software Objective is to create a strong databas...